Friday, October 25, 2013


I should cut down on my shopping because my bank account has really been taking a beating. But let me tell you a few things that I'v purchased. One being my first Nars sheer glow liquid Foundation, in Monte Blonc. I naturally have combination dryer skin, so I didn't want to go Matte. That would have made my face patchy and really unflattering.

So I went to Sephora decided Monte Blonc was my perfect color and purchased it. The Sephora I went to didn't have any pumps. So immediately I went online to order it, and the Sephora website let me down. I had to order it from the Nars website which not a big deal, just had to pay a shipping fee.

While perusing the Nars website I found this palette called Fairy's kiss. This is where i ended up spend way to much money.

It was a battle within myself to either pick something from the Mac online site or Nars for my next eye shadow purchase. I chose the Nars Palette because it is a limited edition and had a lovely selection of colors. I also trust that Nars eye shadows are nicely pigmented. The set comes with 6 colors great for fall/ Autumn and even going into winter.
Top Row(L-R): Manosque (Limited Edition), Kalahari, Brousse
Bottom Row(L-R): Tokyo, Brumes, Pandora

I found I'm a sucker for names and branding/packaging of all products Fairy's kiss was one of those products. And Nars Products are not the only Makeup thing I'v purchased for this month. Its just a small part of what I'v ordered.... I did end up buying 3 things from Sephora, 2 of which are going to be gifts. But I'm still really pleased with everything.

I'm really loving how my collection has grown to a counter top full of lovely things in just a few months. I think I'm going to continue to repurchasing the liquid glow foundation because its my new love. I'll Always go back to my Favorite Clinque Foundation but I needed a change, and this was perfect.

Thank you for reading my extremely long blog post about my rambling

My links are here :)

websites I mentioned:
Nars website:
Sephora website:

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